Both! They slap each other while double teaming her
Both! They slap each other while double teaming her
So... LexCorp’s logo looks “coincidentally” like Stark Industries’?
Simple. Like in many places outside English-speaking countries. Like English people itself before the Church disavowed the Saxon-Viking custom... keep your name. It will save you some problems with IRS and social security number matching issues.
There’s nothing more romantic than sharing a murdered loved one
I just remembered that the high-grade heroin in season 1 came from Steel Serpent, may him/her (it? them?) started to deal with the Blacksmith to keep Madame Gao under the radar?
It was stated that Black Sky requires activation, but seemingly also relates to the power to kill or wage war... Activation of a plague? Or of powers not unlike terrigenesis, but possibly on a more mystical level?
Well, from the funeral that has been foreshadowed for the end of this season, they seem to be together. At least as mutual-haters if not a couple in love
it requires activation. A virus? Terrigenesis?
( is incredibly funny, just like 29. 26, I expect to see it at Infinity War!
I may be the only, but I’m so disturbed by how casual the idea of the US entering into foreign sovereign states to conduct black ops is handled in most shows. At least in Agents of SHIELD it is an international (through US-led) agency that actually asks permission from the country it is operating (even if it hides the…
“The crime rate at National City is at a whoping 40%”
What the fuck? What does that mean? 40% of citizens are criminals? That’s not how crime is measured. It’s through number of incidents (absolute) or number of incidents (or victims) for 10,000 inhabitants (relative). Crime going UP by 40% sounds logical, but it is…
An immigrant or an outsider in any way. Whether as an Amish (an Elseworld were a crazied Jimmy Olsen with kryptnian powers almost killed all heroes) or as an immigrant in his “human life” (from Gods and Monsters. But, most that all, he’s a refugee. Should he be banned from entering the US?
How can it be officially licensed if it has so much color?!
So far, both Daredevil and Jessica Jones had have two friends/sidekicks/patners-in-justice each, that fill different functions for the main character. Foggy and Karen, Trish and Malcolm. One keeps the hero’s humanity in check, a balloon to rise it up from sinking into hell, the other keeps his/her powered persona…
Watchmen and Mission to Mars are not space airlock vents. There, you have an atmostphere, even if it is thin, and it is really, really cold (-55° C on average), so the flash frozen should have happened in Watchmen without the protecting force field. And it could be in Mission to Mars if they’re in an orbital position…
Actually, I’d prefer Affleck to be the director to Snyder and his teenage 90's Milleresque obsession with Grim and Gritty
I wrote “role” not acting, because I was thinking too about how the movie went and how little character depth it sometimes got
Why Kylie. It’s Kylo Ren even a name? Maybe it is a title (Kylo could be Grandmaster, being the GM of the Knights of Ren) or a honorific (like Darth, could it be the Sith equivalent of Padawan on Sith species language?). And is Kylo the name or the family name, like how Japanese and Chinese names put first family,…
Chris Evans first role as super hero wasn’t too good. Now, it's difficult to think of anybody else as the Cap. Few were so natural and lucky get it at first try as RD Jr.
Haha, with side shavings, true! Although H-Channel’s Vikings have shown me there's a lot of variation to that look, tattoos facial hair.