
Was this actually on Sesame Street? I can't imagine that anyone in the target audience (of 2-5 year olds) would recognize the references.

My sister has 4 kids, and once told me that "I love all my children, but if there was a disaster and I could only save one, it would be (son #2)."

Yes. One of the main points of the play was that kids that age are stupid.

That's what I came here to say. I'm Canadian, and guess what? You actually can hold a job for a woman to have a kid. It's the law here, whether you work at a minimum wage retail job or are making 6 figures a year. I've never heard of a business shutting down because they couldn't afford to give someone a year off.

I'm Canadian too. Min wage is about $11 here. The big Christmas bonus is a good idea. My biggest thing is that I don't want to really pay the bare minimum, since she does so much more than the minimum job (seriously- she even cleans the hair from my hairbrush!) It's just the language barrier makes it really

Here's a question prompted by slight guilt after seeing the Amy Poehler/Domestic workers thing. There is a woman who comes to my house every two weeks to clean. I got her name from a coworker who swore by her. Right from the start, she told me she only charges $70 a day. The thing is, she's there from 8:30 in the

I just bought lobsters for the first time a couple days ago. It was all I could do to take the live, squirmy things and drop them in the boiling water, but I wanted to prove I could do it. Next up- maybe killing a chicken I'll later cook?

You can't paint them all with that brush. My mother is firmly pro-life. To her, abortion is the taking of a human life. She's been volunteering at a crisis-pregnancy clinic for years. Like many of the other women there, the work does not stop for them when the baby is born. The centre offers parenting and life

I agree. It just didn't mention in the article if they actually found any on him (they mentioned a picture of a strangled child, which is horrifying, but I just don't know if that counts as child pornography or not).

I think this guy is total scum and wouldn't want him around kids, but I don't think he's done anything worth a conviction (besides possibly possession of child porn). I've thought about doing illegal things (i.e. how to steal big money, how to best burn down my office, etc), and have discussed those things with other