
Is that article right? Murphy Brown didn't go off the air until 1998? Holy fuck, that show just completely disappeared after 1992 or so, where was it hiding for 6 years?

I've been thinking that for awhile. Getting Jack and Liz together would absolutely kill the show but if they waited till the end of the series? It could work.

Cool article but why is there a picture of Alan Ginsberg at the top?

I have never heard of this internet meme in my life. I'm so internet ashamed.

sup Rock Lobster go-to buddy? I'll usually get a female friend on stage to be Cindy, though.

It's, like, bondage for wage slaves, maaaaaan

I think I changed my tune when I saw the first Let Us Play With Your Look. One of the weirdest, purely conceptual skits I've ever seen on a late night show. He's done the Late Night brand proud.

You can't just drop a phrase like "Golden Girls murder mystery dinner theater show" and NOT follow up

1) Those shows were indeed terrible, but they were on in the very early 90s, not the mid-90s. 2) Saturday morning cartoons died off slowly, starting in the late 90s and ending somewhere around the mid-00s, and it all had to do with increasing competition from cable. Why get up on a Saturday to watch shitty network

Download Festival? Man, the music industry's really just laying there and taking it at this point, huh?

To be fair, it really does have the best public transportation in the country. The pride there is fully justified.

@The Artist Formerly Known as Y I spent mine on Megan Fox. She is just dull dull dull, in looks and everything else.

A friend who's been to both recently described SF as a Portland, but sunnier and with a slightly more "dangerous" edge to it. Portland's more cuddly and comforting. I know I felt like home within my first day there.

I also live in Baltimore and am trying to move to Portland ASAP. I've been there twice and am just completely in love with the city. But I spend an inordinate amount of time defending my hometown on these internets too; the perception that it's a crack-infested hellhole is so pervasive and based on nothing but a TV

Home Alone?

Personally, while Preacher was a definite page-turner (I read it all in one sitting) the more I thought about it the less I like it. Garth Ennis is just so tiresome in his obsessions: cowboys with daddy issues, deformities, dick jokes, hard-drinking Irishmen, and gore gore gore. That's EVERY Ennis story right there.

It doesn't even come close to A Better Tomorrow 2.

Hipster DOG, thankyouverymuch

I guess I'll be the asshole who points out that this video's super old and I saw this like 5 years ago.

This is why I've always liked Reloaded - the execution may be off, but it's a film packed with SO MANY ideas and intriguing concepts. It's absolutely a worthy successor to the first film in that respect, and like any proper fantasy sequel it expands the mythology and world-building. Revolutions is just a big dumb