You seem to be using a completely different barometer to do your measuring. You ignore the shit that Hillary said (and didn’t apoogize for) whilst bending over backwards to find racist meaning in something Bernie Sanders said.
You seem to be using a completely different barometer to do your measuring. You ignore the shit that Hillary said (and didn’t apoogize for) whilst bending over backwards to find racist meaning in something Bernie Sanders said.
Hmm... (looks at skin color.)
Yes, lets’ all attack Bernie Sanders for being whats wrong with this country. While were at it, let’s also cut off our own noses to spite our faces...
The Root FB post on this story is a bundle of insane.
This’ll get me some flack because I’m seeing something other than how his words were (stupidly) structured, but I think he meant to include everyone in his statement about “ordinary Americans.” He tends to speak out against the millionaires, who are not ordinary, and he tends to contrast them with the rest of us who…