
Watching this from 2016, as an American a couple weeks from an election where Donald Trump has a real shot at the presidency, this doesn't seem too far-fetched at all. I assumed Jamie's depression was because he lived in a society where Waldo's world domination was all too possible, and he was suffering without

As a Northern Californian (whose husband loves Islands) I found this hysterically accurate. I once had a very horrible roommate who would leave her Sublime album playing on loop when she went to class, because she knew I wouldn't touch her stuff. She was really mean during the day, and friendly at night…which I later

I still can't understand why people hate it. It is too silly to hate, a total farce.

Labyrinth (shocker). I have loved that movie since before I was old enough to speak, and it means something a little different to me every time I watch it. My most recent viewing was the first time I actually cried, at the end when Sarah tells Hoggle that every now and again in her life, for no reason at all, she will


She really impressed me in Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, but her big break in Wolf of Wall Street set her a vast mountain to climb. She is so extraordinarily good at being sexy, will we give her a chance to be anything else? Girlfriend needs to get Geena Davis on the phone.

I was all set to be in a huff if the California candle smelled like ocean, which is both an annoying stereotype and a five hour drive from my home. Then I thought, they really have to do Northern California and Southern separately. Lo and behold, they did! Redwood and pear sounds divine. The smell of redwoods would

Twenty-one, and no. Then again, I find Idina Menzel's voice unbearably grating in any context.

For what it's worth, Lilo and Nani's relationship was almost exactly my relationship with my older sister. I was a little weirdo, our parents were not dead but very neglectful and she was forced into a position of parenthood too early. She had a very bad temper, and I was very stubborn and individualistic.

Their face designs bother me, too. Not to mention Elsa's voice not matching her apparent age at all.

Oh no! I loved that ride and the big creepy trolls. That is a huge bummer, considering that part of Epcot is supposed to be about exploring other cultures, not Disney's movies influenced by other cultures.


Sort of, when something falls in there I have to find a hiding place and fish it out immediately or it will drive me nuts. Most recently, a popcorn hull.

I am convinced this is why French women have a reputation for haughtiness and arrogance. They're all hangry.

Nearly criminal to me that VS will tell women their correct size is something in their store's range, rather than just admitting they don't carry the correct size. Leads to all sorts of pain and physical problems.

I feel like there is some sort of conspiracy to keep people thinking anything larger than DD is strictly the province of niche-market strippers, pornstars, and sideshow freaks.

My only problem with the heavy boobs song is that if Rachel Bloom thinks she's a DD, she's overdue for a fitting. The amount of bounce we see in a given episode reinforces that assessment.

After five seasons, I finally feel like I get this show. That was such a good episode, it even pulled in my husband. The moment at the end where she climbed in with Hannah reminded me so much of the bedroom dance scene in "All Adventurous Women Do."

She likes the playboys, doesn't she? He's got quite the trail of wide-smiled blondes in his wake.

Is the Marilyn drag a hint that's she's headed for an overdose? Very boring and overdone. Like a lot of her solo efforts.