
I'd be pissed, too! You tough out a whole day at a festival like that, you better hear the headliners whole set!

I've seen Say Anything live three times. Once as the opener for Dashboard Confessional (my best friend and I tried to endure and hear "Vindicated" but we just couldn't with the phony and the yowling and the Abercouples.) Ben Lee also opened and the Greek Theater in Berkeley was almost empty for both, like everyone in

Suzanne takes a good deal of medication. Could the lithium have reacted adversely with some of that? It is pretty strong stuff, I had an acquaintance who used to take it who described it as being one step from a coma.

Not worth.

Speak for yourself!

I was wondering whose job it is to figure out appropriate costuming based on the time zone of each sensate at a given moment.

I was watching a bunch of her videos on YouTube and thinking of how much her vibe reminds me of Florence + the Machine before Lungs caught fire.

Sylvan Esso, Maggie Rogers, Fountains of Wayne, and Islandis.

Were you being tortured for state secrets?

I feel like Hannah would have named her son equally for the muppet and the president.

"since Marnie’s insistence on singing Tracy Chapman’s “Fast Car” as they drove from the hospital is basically an unprovoked act of war"

Agent Cody Banks

That was some serious wannabe-Zidler shit. A little dull without any Diamond Dogs, or Jim Broadbent's rotund pipes. Just the style of it seemed weird for a glitzy 70s nightclub.

I know why it was done, I just think it was the wrong solution. Looks like crap and pulls the viewer out of the period.

I was also annoyed that they are clearly rendered in Flash or something similar. It could have added another layer of 70s cultural texture to the show's pastiche to have hand-drawn animation in the style popular at the time. It looked vaguely Jackson-5-ish to me as well.

I re-watched recently and was impressed with how well they've held up.

Jude Law absolutely stole Anna Karenina for me. I think his personal life sometimes overshadows what a staggeringly good actor he is. Like Ralph Fiennes prettiness before he started to bald.

Friday: Watched the Iron Fist pilot with my husband. It was moderately interesting, but not good enough to escape seeming gratuitous at this point of superhero-saturation. Watched a little more Designated Survivor, which got very slightly better. Keifer Sutherland continues to be the best thing about it, showing his

I am team they both suck, but I would take Mickey over Gus because she at least sees her shit and is trying to improve/make amends. She is growing. Gus is convinced of his niceness/rightness in most situations and that makes him unbearable, to me.

It is well-written and acted, then. She comes across as a brand-new teacher.