Lester Kanopf

Andy Murray is amazing. <3

I was President of a co-ed service frat, and still would support this 100%. There’s just nothing we did that wouldn’t be just as easy to do as a non-Greek registered student organization.

I’m a graduate (PhD) of an Ivy League where over 60% of the student body participates in Greek life. It was disgusting on so many levels. I had students who admitted outright that they weren’t able to study everyday because of their duties as pledges. They thought they would get more career opportunities down the line

I think I’d rather watch my wife’s aged grandmother sensuously rub mayonnaise on her naked body while botched circumcision videos played in the background and my testicles were being ravaged by scorpions rather than engage in a conversation about the merits of frats/sororities with a member of the aforesaid group.

Fraternities hate being called frats., it bugs all the fratbros. Keep up the good work.

Good. They’re little more than Old Boys Networks that bully and harass under the name of “Brotherhood”.

At this point who isn’t a fan of Serena? An amazing athlete dominating her sport. I will say my instinct is to compare her to other athletes that are male, but really she is incomparable, a trailblazer.

Andy Murray appeals to me as a down-to-earth player who avoids media-seeking tactics and only seeks to win. Which he has done, a lot, in recent years. Sorry to see him already knocked out at Wimbledon. He is a survivor of the elementary school shooting at Dunblane in Scotland.

I loved that he said it all matter of fact. Like, I shouldn’t have to explain this.

He looks so casual about it in the video above. Like “dude, you sexist piece of shit, but I’m gonna be chill and support all amazing tennis players. Chill with that nonsense”.

*looks unamused* God bless that caption.

Andy Murray is generally pretty great and had a woman coach for quite some time (which is just not done by men or even most women.)

I will fully admit to hate watching Dance Moms and the UDC until kingdom come, and there is little love in my heart for Abby Lee Miller.

He seems like a good egg. And a serious fan of the Williams sisters.

I think it’s great that Kim’s using an NDA to try to suppress the voice of an alleged victim of domestic violence. Good work there, Kim.....

These people are garbage. Also, I’m sure it’s against public policy to force someone to keep quiet about being the victim of a crime. Rob is the one that illegally shared her photos. He also spent a whole day calling her a whore and every other insult under the sun. I hope they don’t get a penny out of Chyna.

like chicken, but your skin falls off.

I’m going to be in Tampa for a concert on September 5th. I’ll bring the parentheses and the binoculars and get my stalk on. Just make sure you leave a bottle of water and some crackers in your bushes; I have a feeling that stalking is bad for one’s hydration and sustenance.

They are kind of assholes.

Every Friday needs to include an article about one of natures unique creatures! I call for wombats since I’ve already learned their poop is cube shaped and used to mark territory in their tunnels.