Reporting harassment means nothing if those in power don’t believe. In fact it can do more harm then good.
Reporting harassment means nothing if those in power don’t believe. In fact it can do more harm then good.
I don’t care how expensive they may be, when your house is worth $26M maybe you can do better than bean bags.
John McCain gets no praise until he corrects the lies in the statement he put out. Lies that he’s continued to spew every time he wants to chide the current GOP congress. He says “we can’t be like the dems who just rammed the ACA through.” EXCEPT THE DEMS DIDN’T DO THAT. They had a YEAR of open hearings, public…
I think it’s really cringey that Serena and her fiance continue to use their milestones in life to promote his business through these weird cartoon characters.
And while Orrin Hatch sucks - make no mistake where I stand on that - he’s more moderate than those young ones.
I truly cannot imagine being a career EPA employee who now works for this man. Even more so than being a long-time employee in other departments now helmed by twats.
He has 100% met the woman and fucked. Been there done that. Not proud. The circumstances were objectively very sympathetic though. That said, you are correct. He has found a way to be with her. Period.
She likes to play awkward. It’s a little schticky for me. There’s a lot of posturing as weird and mumbly or deadpan or quirky. It comes across to me as this constant act, and it’s a bit irritating. I don’t dislike her, but it’s a little like jennifer lawrence letting us know how normal and down-to-earth she likes to…
When was staking ridiculous large religious markers into the earth not digbatty?
If she took your picture I would contact management. That’s beyond a rude or inappropriate comment, that’s a violation.
I think this is misguided. While I want more fire from the Democrats too, I think there was a really profound contrast between McConnell’s statement last night and Schumer’s. I think it showed. I even saw republicans on Twitter showing respect for him for quieting down the Democrats following Mccain’s vote (watch the…
No but civility even while anonymously commenting is a hill worth dying on. Make Adults Mature Again.
Both pieces of advice here are solid.
This is really aggressive. So aggressive in fact, that it’s hard for you to come across as more credible than the original commenter just based on the tone of your response.
Caught cheating on his pregnant wife. Dang dude, you JUST got married!
We’re not gonna talk about Kevin Hart?
The day that Bernie says on live TV that he was aware the Russia was attacking Hillary with the intent to divide the party (and yet he did not back out)... not a good day to run this article. He also hired Tad Devine who was deeply involved with Yanukovich - the same pro-Russian Ukranian president that Manafort…
New Yorker clearly demonstrated Ivanka’s violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Maddow covered the New Yorker’s reporting. In fact, this very clear, very substantial connection to Azerbaijani corruption and real estate might bring them all down. Unlike other criminal acts that this administration and…
I think it has to be the most perverted way to go through life. Most likely caused by the abuses of Christian doctrine. As a non-Christian I never grew up with the words “sin” or “faith” so I don’t judge sexual acts or gender roles on a scale or morality; I also don’t blindly accept bullshit people feed me just…