
The only problem is for the most part there WONT be games with controls on the bottom because no one is going to code a game specifically for one phone which probably won't even sell that well. Emulators made specifically for it, yes, they could do well since it's one program to run tons of games. Beyond that I don't

Me too! Tuna, salmon avocado, and eel cucumber. *cue Kool-Aid man* Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeah.

Me too! Tuna, salmon avocado, and eel cucumber. *cue Kool-Aid man* Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeah.

Me too! Tuna, salmon avocado, and eel cucumber. *cue Kool-Aid man* Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeah.

Oh my God... As a man who has played SC for something like 10 years now, I can say I'm honestly quite excited about this, except for the Gameloft part. I'm really hoping they don't let me down with this and Sacred Odyssey.

I was too busy writhing in pain to notice.

I love watches and am actually debating donating the $250 to make this happen. Cool idea, I'll have a new completely unique watch, and I can say I helped it happen. Thank you Casey!

@DustyButt: Hahahaha! That's hilarious. I've never seen someone reply to their own comment to answer someone else AND not promote their stupid drivel, then also rub it in that was the reason they did it. Heart for sure.

@Gators15: Since when is 33 not a senior citizen? Aren't you getting AARP stuff already?

@Patch: I have no idea why you're chanting for the Caps here, but I'm right with you.

Brutalisk architecture is also easy to spot.

@D.A.S.: Verizon pulled ahead in customer count after buying Alltel, and was ahead until Q4 of last year. They've never had a larger network. If you notice their website it only ever claims the largest "3G network." AT&T actually claimed largest overall network. You had it right, just backwards.

Anyone else think it's funny this is called the "Sportshocker" when they're trying to hock these terrible stools.

@Ghostnappa9001: But it's bad enough that you wouldn't buy a tablet because of the clock?

I"m sure the dozens of people that bought this phone were highly upset.

@O HAI JAY: I hope everyone that b*****s about data caps comes here and thanks you first (if that's a snapshot from your phone, if not I apologize) since you are the reason they're there now.

@Legumes: You pretty much hit the nail on the head except for right here,

@Ghostnappa9001: Is this a joke that went over my head, or are you really that pissed about the clock? That's why I wear a watch. I can't imagine not buying an electronic device (short of a watch/clock, duh) because I disliked the clock.