
@D.A.S.: AT&T still does have the largest network, most revenue, and the most customers. Maybe not the most customers after this phone drops, but they have the other two and always have.

@Lodril: Like someone else said, they don't cost anything and AT&T doesn't block texts from their own system, especially because sometimes they are account change notifications. So if someone figured out your online account info or somehow changed your billing address or something bad like that you'd get a text and

I have never really tinkered with Chrome like I did with FF, but I just learned some cool stuff which is already being used (see: Gizmodo and Lifehacker pinned to my open tabs). Almost all of this was stuff I didn't know, and I just wanted to say thanks. This is one of my favorite articles since joining. Thank you Giz

@rebeldevil: I don't know how anyone would think this is actually a good idea. Cool, yes, but my experience with bridges involves a computer game we used in middle school and even I know this is a terrible idea.

And here I spent so many video game hours killing Nazis when I should have been killing Poles. If it wasn't for their .pl web address I would never have known!

@Jimbo Collins: Thanks brother. You saved me the time of searching for that at work. I actually looked at all comments in this thread just to see if someone had made that reference specifically.

@Kaiser-Machead: 18 days into billing cycle: 882.92 MB used. I browse (infrequently when not in WiFi), Facebook, apps, and Pandora to and from work some days (~70 minutes round trip). My max month was 1.9 GB. People that are using this much data are either streaming constantly like some people said, or... actually, I

@LemonBread: Yeah, those new phones look pretty sick. Depending on what the iP 5 kicks out I may be converting to an Atrix. I just really wish the Market was up to AppStore standards, but depending on how the iPad 2 looks I might be able to get my AppStore fix buying one of those. I just really wish Jobs didn't hate 7

@IceMetalPunk: It looks as though by the time I was done writing my response, including all the interruptions from work, others have went over the whole statistics thing with you :P Crazy how so much less than 1% can be so representative, huh?

@IceMetalPunk: 1% of a population is actually huge as far as statistics goes. For a population of 300m, and a sample size of 3m (1%), you could be 99% confident that based off those responses, the actual entire population would answer within ~0.074109% of what the sample said (if my stat math is correct). That's

@WheresWinPho: +1 Who the hell doesn't need cupcakes? I might go eat some right now just because.

@Iota: AT&T's focus has been customer experience for (minimum) a year and a half, possibly longer. It takes a long time to change the direction of an entire company and the mentality of all its employees however.

How is this news? This was posted almost a month ago about CES. Also just in, AT&T plans on selling iPhones!

@LemonBread: I was just quoting the article you mentioned :P

@JuneBeatle80: I'm glad I'm not the only one. . . wait, no I'm not. I really wish it DIDN'T look so much like rape.

waka waka waka waka

Edit: Stupid Giz :-/

Edit: Stupid Giz :-/ Sorry

@BronxWhiteBoi: Yes, but you need to have that money in the first place to spend it on your network to then write it off as an expense. They don't have a $19 billion money tree that they can grow the money to invest in their network and then write off every year. It comes from subscribers. So yeah, join Boost. Their