
@zhaquiri: It's probably what he had lying around on his own laptop.

Of course I'm at work until ~9 where the stupid shopping center blocks the entire north/east view. Awesome.

@OCEntertainment: You are welcome good sir/madam. I was just glad I could be the first person to point it out.

It's like this, but useful.

@♥♦ Goopplesoft ♣♠: Who needs to know the weather. . . I don't know. . . maybe tomorrow or Sunday? If I do, I just go in my time machine and see for myself! I find the fact that you think he is joking to be utterly ridiculous.

@ddhboy: As much as I hate to admit it, I agree 100% with your first paragraph. As much as I WANT to blow the money on one. . . there's no point.

@I Think We're Property: If consumers have received the functionality that they paid for, then Intel has met all of it's obligations.

@Dan-Forever: That's their logo color on tv. The red one is the standard logo, and it's also what I get when I go to bbc.co.uk (I live in the states). Not sure where the blue one came from. . .

"On the other hand, the people who are most serious about not having faith (i.e. the "very serious" agnostics and atheists) score higher than any religious groups."

@Jouen: We have the newer kind without the flap, the one where the cartridges sit vertically. Still works fine.

@SparklyJesus: I'd bet he probably just reads Gizmodo or went to their UK site. They rarely ever know anything we don't, like you said.

Great move Larry, unless you happen to employ unicorns. . . or women.

@hardvice: You must live in a box and read books about the real world all day instead of actually living in it. Or maybe as a white person, as I am, you've never actually experienced real racism. But, I'll tell you, when you're being affected by racism it doesn't matter if it's institutionalized racism or whatever

All I can think the whole time I'm reading this is:

@FourOhOne: First off, I didn't mean "your." I used "comment" as a synonym for "says" or "states." I originally wrote "You say Steve-O says" and I was merely avoiding saying "says" twice in a row. And "your" isn't even a plural noun (I think you probably meant possessive pronoun), so what the hell are you talking

@TheCrudMan: Yeah? Yeah. . . well um. . . well. . . What are you gonna do when IMA FIRIN MAH LAZER?! What then huh?!

@TheCrudMan: See, that's why I'd put the demo pack outside in the little black area, and as soon as everyone camped out there. . . Boom goes the dynamite.

@RtFusion: Until his iPhone freezes or randomly reboots for the second time that day.

@FourOhOne: First you comment Steve-O says, "Good artists copy, great artists steal," then you say "I don't see why people hate on apple for there innovation." Stealing =/= innovation. Maybe you should learn how to make an entire post without contradicting yourself. You should take that class right after "There,