
Except, again, he didn’t stop - he “sat back and pointed to his penis and motioned for [her] to go down on him”, and her feeling “really pressured” into it means it wasn’t entirely willing.

If it all goes wrong I hope she can get a no-fault exorcism.

Then started again. Repeatedly.

In my experience it’s usually the other way round.

The 20K record probably gets him some extra love too.

They’re one and the same. One of the reasons it’s awesome to be rich is that you can break the law with essentially no consequences since the statutory fine is a drop in the ocean. If we want a system of fines that’s actually a disincentive to the rich then that needs to change.

I’m in no way in favor of the death penalty, but I do believe it does prevent the same person from committing subsequent murders.

After paying for the cost of the camera, medical bills, lost work time etc the Wal-Mart employee is never going to kick someone in the face again, because that kind of money is a significant proportion of their salary. But for Homme, the next time he’s on stage and someone’s taking pictures, he doesn’t have that

He deliberately swung his leg/foot so as to make contact with an object but that’s not a kick? You might need to check up on the definitions of words before you post next time.

Letting a multi-millionaire think he can kick people in the face and only have to pay a comparative pittance in restitution is not a good precedent to be setting.

You may not realize this, but there’s a huge difference between an apology borne of genuine remorse and an apology because the story’s gone viral and you’re trying to contain it.

Let’s hope he decides to emulate Kurt Cobain the next time he decides to do a “rock star thing”.

Yeah man committing assault is definitely the same as flipping someone off.

It’s OK but it’s certainly not a foregone conclusion. They’ll probably lose to Uruguay, and then they’ve got to beat Egypt, who were ACN runners-up and have one of the world’s best strikers.

I fully admit I don’t know much about American football, being a Brit, but I have a question about #5. It looks like the WR stops and turns just as/after Peterman throws the ball. Is this a prearranged route (in which case it’s a terrible overthrow) or is this just Peterson getting unlucky, seeing as the WR would have

You said that everything Curry does was for branding, he/she called that a lazy argument, and then you denied having said it. But sure, I’m the one that needs to read better.

Are you really not aware of the concept of a conversation? “So what do you do?” is one of the very first things that gets said and from there it’s really not a huge step to “oh you were in Afghanistan, what was it like?”

Well since I never said that or insinuated it (you made that up)

Impossible to tell from that video, you can’t see where the attackers and defenders are when the ball is played, which is the key for offside. Having three players break the offside trap at once is thoroughly awful defending, though.

One the one hand I’m going to be terrified during the TLC match that Angle does something stupid and cripples himself, but on the other hand Finn-AJ is a huge, huge upgrade on Finn-Wyatt.