Les Morpions

How about forego the family restaurant trips until your kid is potty trained?

The baby was just practicing for when they get that soft serve ice cream machine they've been GoFundMe-ing for.

Oscars stage does look like a giant sphincter. Appropriate.

You are irrelevant and a wannabe. Go away.

I suspect you are irrelevant and a wannabe

Most Harley Riders support Trump. The idiots who post here claiming to be the voice of Harley Riders are just socks for pledges. Full of old smeg and tossed by the wayside.

The Hill Of Not Liking Springsteen? I like it up here. No Springsteen, no Madonna, no Ambrosia

Maybe that's because Bruce Springsteen's music has always been crappy, pedestrian pablum, and he's a leftist loon.

why don't you figure out a way to maximize your input of feces?

eat Chipotle and die