Even a rapist has to draw the line somewhere.
Even a rapist has to draw the line somewhere.
The best part is that it took that melted Glade candle TWO HOURS to come up with his comeback about how long it took Hillary to respond. This has been killing me all evening, y'all.
Margaret Atwood.
Thank you. Not “relationship,” either. Predatory behavior and grooming. And fuck that fucking family.
Not “sex.”
Local NPR station (God bless Jason Bentley) just played “when doves cry” follow by “let’s go crazy” FUCK YES. I am crying and jamming out at the same time.
Aaaaand here’s a star for that Star Wars reference...especially since Ballaban hates Star Wars.
That car went under like an X-Wing at Degobah.
Can you imagine this flabby orange oaf lying on top of you, sweating, arrhythmically thrusting for three minutes, until he rolls off you, inadvertently scratching you with his oversize, gold Rolex and you notice he never took his black socks off?
-a foster youth care worker
Probably the same way I handle aggressive teens at the shelter for abused kids where I work: physical containment (which are specifically designed not to cause any harm) until she could at least calm her body and stop being physically aggressive, then release her and separate her from the group, then let her vent and…
I’m glad everyone has a video camera with them at all times now. This stuff has always gone on. Now we know about it.
Omg, during my “jeans and going out top” years in college RAVE was my everything. SMH.....
They all dress like they got these outfits at RAVE or 5-7-9 circa 2001 or Rugged Warehouse.
I have nightmares of being forced to unfurl his 3 foot long cotton candy hair every evening and brush it out and braid it.
Uh, did you actually watch Good Hair?
It’s a good thing my dog is going to live forever and I won’t have to go through this.