
It’s not the record we need; it’s the record we deserve.

“This is exactly the record the world needs now.”

Let’s read the Mueller report when it comes around August. It will detail how the Trump Organization is a criminal enterprise. Fact, not fiction.

Hillary might have fucking sucked as president, but she wouldn’t have impulsively pushed The Button in a manbaby rage at three in the morning.

It doesn’t. But my fantasy rescues the US from total deconstruction. Three more years of Trump is unsustainable. He has almost destroyed the office already. That’s irreversible.

Yes someone with actual experience who doesn’t jump at every dick measuring contest is. What a completely nonsensical comment. This moron isn’t even smart enough to HIRE people smart enough to fake it.

By any reasonable comparison, yes, Hillary was the better choice.

An infinitely better choice. Those who can’t see the difference are the reason why we are where we are today....fuck those morons.

If you seriously think Hillary Clinton would be trading jabs on twitter with a nuke-having madman like Donald Trump is doing, I’m going to ask you to review your thought process.

Dude the way this Administration is behaving, my dog would have been a better choice. Hillary at least understood how politics actually works. Hence why political dynasties usually thrive whether we like them or not. Fighting over who has the “bigger button” is not the answer and this fucktard is going to smoke us

Instability is not preferable to the status quo. No one would have been happy with more of the same (Hillary), but it would definitely be safer. Getting sick of people pretending that the two choices were equal. If someone offers you a slap in the face or a knee to the kidney, you take the slap in the face.