
I’m picking him up now to stash for fantasy playoffs

Nice way to make everything about race!!!!!!!!!!

No one is oppressing you. No one is treating you unfairly. Stop crying.

I was a mediocre JV basketball player ten years ago in high school. I was friends with a coach from the Lynx and he would ask me to come to practice on occasion to add competition. They could box out like no one’s business and pushed me around pretty good there... but other than that it was insanely easy to play

Yeah me too. But women’s basketball ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

It’s actually not bad. No worse than other female rappers.


that’s hot

Oh where do I begin with you Monique?

So you don’t want to explain how I was misusing the word efficient or you realized I wasn’t?



Nah redundancy would apply if I were aiming at the same person. Since there was more than one person to whom the comment applied pasting it was the way to go. Rearranging the words and writing it again wouldn’t change anything. Nice try tho.

No that’s not what I’m peeved about.

Ohhh so you can read minds now? Black people are magic!

Dude it’s not that complicated. If whites only did “white” things and never branched out to black culture you’d get upset about that. Moron.

White people like to be efficient. Sorry that’s not your way of life.

No one is saying it is. The fact that he wants to be like blacks, as you and The Root contend, is the compliment. Its value in art has no bearing on this.

He enjoyed black music and culture and emulated it in his own way and that is somehow upsetting. If no whites did that you would be upset that no whites want to participate in black culture and only stay in their suburban bubbles.

No it’s not. The problem is getting upset over something that in the rest of life is taken as a compliment. How do you expect to ever move forward in life when you’re on a never-ending hunt for things to rage about?