
PD stands for police department. Not Puig’s defense. Besides, Puig’s defense never relied on rational thought.

just a couple updates if you’re interested:

I’m confused as I’ve read 93,000 Puig articles on deadpan saying you are a stick in the mud and or racist if you call him a trouble maker or worse

I think there can be a fair middle ground there. There truly are men who are in abusive relationships and suffer the same pain as women. Heck, those guys actually get laughed at and called pussies if they ever try to bring it out. At no point is it anywhere near the level that women are abused, and that other side

Excellent point. Of course every case is a tragedy regardless of gender and I would hate to do damage to a just cause by not knowing the exact facts. But God damn, it really pisses me off when people whine “What about the men?!” when society has been set up to benefit us virtually exclusively since the beginning of

Look... it’s bad enough that people don’t take domestic violence serious as it is. We don’t need people making up stats to prove a point cause they don’t like a comment. It is infuriating that society is that way - but it’s also infuriating when people do stuff like that when they don’t even need to. 60-40 is a pretty

Ok, just did a search and you’re right; it’s more like 60% (at least those cases actually reported), but if you think about the damage potential and also the gross stacking of odds against women in our justice system and society in general, it’s infuriating that people bitch and moan whenever people defend women.

90% of domestic violence is man-on-woman, and since not every man is as weak as you, the damage is usually worse in that direction.