Well someone thinks a little too highly of themselves
TLDR - you’re a dumb human
yet you still did it.
you probably are, but it’s way too much effort and not worth the laugh anyway. Move on and enjoy something worthwhile today.
you have a shitty life
if Donald Trump promises that I’ll see less JJ Watt on my TV, then I’ll vote for him
so he hates women, black people AND butts?
and yet here we are...
agreed that there are nuts on both sides of the aisle and neither side can seem to see their similarities
does anyone have a worse video player platform than ESPN?
Let me clear this up for you. An accusation is alleging that something happened. I alleged nothing... because something DID happen. You changed it. It’s well past accusation. It’s fact.
This IS what it’s like talking to someone with a weird level of self shame who can’t separate a three-decades old comedy movie from real life
but man what? Quit being such a pussy and just enjoy it for what it is. Fuck man.
Ugh. Dumb people are the best people. Keep up kiddo...
alright I’ll say it - I would absolutely hate to hang out at your place today
I know you think you’re making a point there, but you’re not