and this is how Trump gets voters...
and this is how Trump gets voters...
holy fuck your life sucks
yeah, but I have a life and you don’t... so I didn’t read a million articles and break down every frame of trailers. I’d rather my movies not be exact mirrors of each other.
just a tad more annoying than the “Can someone give me a good reply for all the “LOL I don’t care about Star Wars!” posts on FB?” crowd.
you should watch his show... no one else is, so he could use the help
it’s “pure Star Wars” because it’s a damn near carbon copy of Episode 4. Fun movie. Probably great for kids. But I couldn’t have been more disappointed that the plot, story line and events were damn near identical to Episode 4. I was hoping for a little script creativity at least.
No it’s not.
Well to Jezzies, a man saying hi to a woman in any setting that isn’t a phone app is technically assault, sooooo....
it’s basically the exact opposite of what the writer and all the weird shame-filled people are saying it is... so yeah, it is.
“but now sound incredibly creepy”
shhhhhh... we already know how much conflict was created with having to write about a black dude criticizing Newton.
are you assuming Newton today would’ve beat prime Richard Dent’s ass?
I mean, if we’re throwing in arrests, I’m not sure Cam is the martyr you want bud
how bout those of us that love when players (including Cam) celebrate, but think that maybe Cam’s are a getting tad too lengthy? I think it’s great that he gives a kid the ball, even if it is a pure PR move. I think it’s great he does the whole Superman thing, even if it’s grossly unoriginal. But after the little…
stop dude... that argument is just as tired as the one Deadspin is bashing.
so now do you guys write the “black people are running out of excuses to hate Cam Newton” piece? Or do you just stick to that idiotic race-baiting BS?
These are not mutually exclusive are they? Women have been dating ugly dudes for centuries... money usually helps that process along
everyone else was at home watching Episode 4.... since it’s the same freakin movie
it felt like a Star Wars movie because it was - meaning that it was basically the same plot as A New Hope. Not a lot of originality or creativity. Fun for kids, which is cool, but I suspect it took them 3 hours to “write” the script. They just re-watched A New Hope, changed some lines and slotted different characters…
gal relies on looks for every step of her career...