
other cards Hillary has or had:

Fivethirtyeight understands it. Bernie’s doing well where everyone is white, but Democratic voters don’t actually look like Bernie’s coalition, they look like Hillary’s. Not to mention that she’s winning the swing states.

“old rich white lady. totally the candidate for older black people!”

Lol, I mean, you got a whole lot of people, bro. Take the win and go home. Have a nice day.

I get it. You’re just JAQing off. No harm, no foul, right? Just an honest person asking honest questions.

yes, because wondering why a demographic other than my own votes in a way that seems to me to be objectively against their own interest is a totally irrational thing to even THINK, let alone actually say.

I wish I had a good explanation why older black voters like her so much. I’d have thought her things like “superpredators” comments would have killed that.... the best answer I’ve heard.... I don’t really want to believe.

Bernie does better because he’s not a known entity and has never once been subjected to the republican attack machine. When they finished with him, he will be unelectable. The guy took his honeymoon in the Soviet Union, praised Fidel Castro, calls for revolution and raising taxes. They will turn him into Joseph Stalin.

It’ll be interesting to see where liberals wind up, after a Sanders departure. All but the most optimistic Sanders supporters didn’t even expect he’d get this far along, against a very well-vetted presumptive nominee.

The media will go to any dishonest length! Why, they’ll even say Bernie lost a primary when all he did was lose a primary!

I have repeatedly asked Sanders supporters on this forum if they would support the contention that the person with the most pledged delegates and popular vote should get the nomination. So far, other than one brave soul who agreed with me, all I get back is dead silence. Telling. Very Telling. There is one idiot down

A few percentage points? LMAO. Since when is 16 points “a few”. Because there is no statistical path for Bernie to win. The all white caucus states are pretty much behind us.

I doubt Bernie has a better chance of winning than Hillary. The polls are better for him because he gets less negative attention, but that would change as soon as he was the nominee.

That is the most sexist and arrogant thing I’ve read in a long time. Hillary IS WINNING, but you expect her to drop out and be HIS VP? The nerve of you! Should she fetch his coffee and rub his shoulders too?

Since he can win mathematically, if he stays in, he better damn well drop the negativity and character assassination towards Hillary, and pivot back to talking about the issues. Otherwise all he is doing is damaging Hillary’s brand knowing full well that she will be the nominee.

They aren’t lying. There was plenty of opportunity for Weaver to walk it back, but he did say they planned to overturn pledged delegates and superdelegates. It was seriously , desperately, batshit, thus all the questions. Brian Williams had some side eye going.

Wrong. Steve Kornacki asked Weaver, Sander’s campaign manager, twice if the Sanders campaign would try to use the superdelegates to take the nomination even if Clinton had won the pledged delegate count. He very clearly said yes. Sanders could not win the nominations using only superdelegates from the states he won if

Yeah, here they are calling him a loser when all he did was get more than 25% fewer votes.

No, he seriously said he wanted to force a contested convention, presumably even if Clinton leads in popular votes and delegates based on poll results. It was weird enough that MSNBC is still freaking out about it a little and Twitter blew up.