
The water use before the drought was: Residential=20% Agriculture=80%

Why only ask residents to cut their water use by 25% when the equivalent for agriculture is 6%?

This catastrophe highlights the superiority of fracking: the methane is contained in the water we drink. This is much better for you lungs.

The SS (terrible name! can you imagine if VW named a car SS?!) is more powerful but it’s a 4 door. The M2 is 2 door and 550Lb lighter (3450 vs 3997) making it a faster car (0-60 in 4.4 vs 4.7).

Put lemon in black tea to you get the same idea and it won’t kill you if you drink it.

In a sense they are right. Car emissions should be take into account the car’s mileage. Today if a car does 40mpg and pollutes twice as much as a car that does 10mpg, it’s the 40mpg car that will look bad in the smog check though it actually pollutes less.

You are correct. Hunting helps increasing the animal numbers. But why do we need to do that? If humans were not destroying their habitat we would not have to be forced to control the animal population.

I second that. Also animal farming is what consumes the most water (living in California..) and is the main source of global warming gases. I love but very rarely eat meat because I don’t trust the quality or the animal treatment. Let’s not even talk about ritual slaughter..

Of course I should have specified western Europe.. No bear in Germany for instance though it is the symbol of Berlin. I have a hard time understanding how hunting helped the bear population in France. The last female bear from the Pyrenees was killed by a hunter in 2004..

haha no but it’s just this sentence that thew me off:

I come from Europe. We don’t have bears anymore. We try to bring wolves back but farmers shoot them etc.. You say that now cause America still has a lot of wilderness. Do you think it is normal that we rely on sport hunting to increase the number of animals?

One day will come when hunting will be history. Maybe because there won’t be any barbarians left, maybe because there won’t be any wild animals left.

In a desert climate if you take all the water from the grassland to grow stuff, you end up with not a lot grassland.. This is precisely your point when you talk about endangered habitat. Since we agree I don’t understand why I upset you.

You are right. Desert was a figure of speech.

Honestly you really have to look closely to see the changes. In other words there is not much farmers do to save water.

no but global warming is a hoax! hahahaha
Where I grew up my grandma told me that they had to wipe the snow on the tombs to put the flowers on All Saints day (November 2nd). Today it snows twice a year, in mid December at the earliest, and it melts in a day.