
Still waiting ... now we’ve had articles on a lemonade stand and Rihanna, but still no Zaha Hadid. C’mon guys. She was a groundbreaking architect, known for her hard-won battles to be accepted as an equal in an industry dominated by men. Or are all your articles fluff?

Confusingly, The Guardian piece was actually published in The Observer - the stablemate of The Guardian, and a Sunday-only paper in the UK that’s been going for over 200 years, and which is published on The Guardian website. A different beast from The Observer of observer.com

Now playing

He self-identifies as transgender. This from two weeks ago, but he first came out as trangender in 1985:

Good on you! The last total I heard he’d raised was £1.35 million (not sure what that is in $$$$ - $2m? - shed loads anyhow. What a guy / gal.

For people with access to BBC2 - there’s an hour-long programme about Eddie Izzard’s Marathon Challenge at 9.40 pm tonight, Monday 28th March. Will be upon the iPlayer soon after broadcast, no doubt:

Well to be fair Americans probably misspell it because they mispronounce it. It’s Gandhi with a short ‘a’ as in ‘can’, not a long ‘a’ as in ‘farm’.

Journalism 101. The newspaper’s names is The Times. Not The Times of London. So you just italicize The Times.