What's the best way to reinforce the idea that all motorcyclists are childish, lunatic asshats with no regard for…
What's the best way to reinforce the idea that all motorcyclists are childish, lunatic asshats with no regard for…
It's more like foster care. Back in the 1930s here in the USA my father-in-law was placed in an orphanage/foster home after his father was killed in an accident and his mother couldn't afford to support him. He went back to live with her several times but usually wound up back in the orphanage. He stayed there until…
This is exactly the situation with *both* of the kids Madonna adopted. Each had family that were struggling financially, and Madonna swept in and took them away. Disgusting.
You know what Kim could do though- give this girl a bunch of money. I mean would 50k or even 100k really set her back that much? I don't know I didn't see the episode or know literally anything else about this story but there are loads of ways Kim could better that girls life that don't include literally adopting her.
Huh. I used to own a gold Lexus GS300. Very comfy trunk.
i would star this 20 times if i could for having to deal with your sister in law. bless her heart
Gotcha. No different than the people who down juice by the gallon. I'm like, "You know that's essentially fruit flavors, sugar, and water, right?"
Much better to think of sweet tea as a tea brewed with simple syrup instead of water. Sugar goes in early in the process or it's just not right.
I actually like (non-bottled) Thousand Island, made with homemade mayo. My mom's had some chili sauce in it as well as ketchup, chopped sweet pickle (she didn't use relish, but her own pickles), and hardboiled egg. It was pretty good, though I really like oil-and-vinegar dressings better than creamy ones in general.
It wouldn't really mix, though, would it? It's not going to be some half-dressing half-tea emulsification, just tea with gloppy globs floating in it.
I want mini muffin medications too.
Adult film actress Christy Mack released a statement along with photos documenting the beating she sustained at…
I completely support your Elise statement.
P.S. I didn't kick him out. He gave me his notice.
I had a roommate that, while I didn't know well enough to really care about the specifics, was essentially the king of bad break-ups(KBB from here on in). We got a ton of angry letters under the door, weird phone calls late at night and the occasional act of petty vandalism.
she didn't get the job and wound up marrying a guy 25 yrs her senior and living as a housewife in Connecticut.
As a burgeoning fat activist and fat studies scholar (and thus someone highly critical of dieting and diet culture) and also a former dieter who found lots of things to like about dieting, I struggle with this line, too. In particular, I found that there was a tremendous peace for me in planning food in advance and a…
I really appreciate your ending comments about living as a fat person and your relationship with food. I live that everyday but hadn't really thought about it in those exact terms. Thanks as always for making me laugh and making me think. You're the best, Lindy.
"He really isn't in a good place."
I'm a straight woman who feels like no one's attracted to me. I "peaked" over ten years ago according to men. At least men don't depreciate like fucking cars. Whyyyy do men think women are never lonely, rejected, ignored?! Is it because the "dime pieces" are literally the only ones on your radars?