
"These 3.1 square meters"?

It is important to notice that the sound intensity level increases by 10dB each time the actual intensity increases by a factor of 10.

How do I initiate it? When I go to twitter.com it's still the regular ol' twitter.

@irlsanders001: I'm sure it doesn't work for some private aircraft whose operators have opted to keep this information private. Same as flightaware.com

I'm a fan. Quite creative and nice.

You can see on the right side of the upper clouds where they meet the sky that the shadow details have been brought WAY up. So much for not having edited it...

@Zanzan42: All airports I've ever been to have private sectors (FBO's). I'm a GA student pilot and the only security I've encountered is when making international flights and clearing customs. The customs agents scan the aircraft with a handheld gadget, probably checking for radioactivity/bombs/drugs ask you a couple

Why would he be going through airport security if he flies private?

It's probably just me, but I heard her say it was $39 the first time I watched it. Also, she never answers his question... What the hell?

Hey! I still want my Yoda backpack.

I REALLY want to get an iPhone 4. I have a blackberry and cannot tolerate it anymore. Can anyone offer any advice on whether or not to wait until the end of the month?

Ah yes, the Bubble Nebula.

@PresidentKennedy: Jeez Mr Kennedy, sure is an honour to be on the same form as you.

I think there'll be an announcement on the iPhone 4, perhaps a modified version released. Apple NEEDS to address this.

Didn't they do this on Mythbusters with liquid iron or something?

@indiecraig: Before expanding the thread, I knew exactly what I would see.

Something doesn't add up.