
Is this a joke or has Gizmodo really bitten the dust?

Holdon, the newer, faster models are newer and faster than the old models?

@B_Ren: I didn't even find it the least bit funny.

He's really doggin' it out there!

A good followup to the article about the greenland ice base.

It's actually quite smart what apple has done. If you don't remove the plastic wrap it comes in, whenever you use the power adapter, it heats up and melts the plastic to whichever surface you're using. Truly, genius.

I think this guy's issues go deeper than facebook...

Anyone know where I can find that photo of the shuttle?

Well this just takes the fun out of the high score game...

@Ninety-9: Perfect! So I send it to what address?

More like "First Military Shuttle Rolling Out On Runway".

@Arcane: This made me laugh.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize "NASA material" was its own material.

@FriedPeeps: Hopefully, mine were torn apart by hyenas.

That looks like the OSX Aura wallpaper.

I friggin' knew it!

@UpIrons: If you're a guy, you're getting groped by a guy. It's TSA policy.

I'm surprised facebook didn't change their design over the course of this guy's life.

Jesus, the request came from the Coast Guard, not the ship operator. The Coast Guard evaluated the situation, and deemed it suitable for whatever reason to send over a military chopper. Don't patronize these people for being victims of a decision made by the Coast Guard. When dealing with human lives, I'd trust the

@Dapke36: In an emergency, there are greater things at stake than your internet connection. Don't be selfish.