Gypsy Buckaroo

Hall of Waste. Boom!

Agent Sparkles Fly

The upper and lower arms were real. But not the elbow section that connected them both.

What an excellent review. It definitely sheds some new light on the state of mind of Jimmy that I hadn't thought about.

The show would be better off focusing less on Walker? If anything it should focus on him more. Watching Callista is the most painful thing about this show. She is just another in a long line of irrational, and bratty teenage daughters on shows; who are just there just to make life difficult for everyone.

They should make a Cones of Dunshire movie next!

This season has been terrible in my opinion. Ra's is a threat, but the show has done such a poor job of showing that. Instead, we are supposed to believe all the terrible things that he is capable of and the destruction that he can bring about from Merlyn. Slade in season 2 haunted Oliver during the whole season and