I look at the monstrosities with horror and understanding, for now I know that truly God is dead.
I look at the monstrosities with horror and understanding, for now I know that truly God is dead.
Also, someone should tell the creator to quit reading fan theories on Reddit.
Where the Bethesda stans at?
I saw the Coraline Opera in London. Yes, that is a real thing. And holy shit did I hate it.
Be a lot cooler if it did.
Unless I am paid to do so, I will stay approximately 1000 feet away from VR. It’s too damn expensive, and not at all what I am looking for when I play video games.
His hair needs to be cut off and burned. Dear god that is a terrible haircut.
The reason I got cavities is that in middle school I liked to get the new Mountain Dew and drink that with an entire bag of Sour Patch Kids.
Alex Morgan thanks you
There are a LOT of acronyms in your comment.
This is the wildest article I have read about any game. Ever.
“The Cruelty is the Point."
We gonna fuck some fishes!
I haven’t watched this movie because I hate horror movies.
Insert “why not both gif” here
That Sal Pal article about the Sopranos takes Godwin’s law out back and blows its head off with a shotgun. Holy shit.
And I wanted an ending that made sense, not one that made me despise the Starks.
Bad takes are reserved for Frida Garza, thank you very much.