It hates gay people. A lot.
It hates gay people. A lot.
40%+ of Waco is not white, so I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
On an unrelated note, have y’all seen the comments on the Univision story? They’re fucking wild.
The ratios on the hand-wringing tweets are fucking amazing
Tyranny. I just can’t get more than 15 minutes into it before stopping, and I don’t know why. I haven’t touched it since January.
The fuck is this comment?
Its good that they’re letting us know their racist as fuck views before they get to a position of real power.
What would really be funny is if you let me out of the greys. That would be a laugh riot.
Aaron Rodgers is 6-foot-2, as if we needed further evidence that Polian is a fucking moron.
“NFL Teams remain staffed exclusively by stupid assholes,” more at 11.
What be a pirate favorite’s letter?
I’m playing get me out of the greys, please. I don’t know if I’ll be successful. On another note, I’m going to finally start my Tyranny playthrough. And try to finish.
It’s a good idea, and as we all know, good ideas are always abhorrent in the US.
The future is now, I guess
The article in the Daily Texan about his acquittal say that the drugs were not his, but a friend’s.
I LOVE Cullen. I have played through Inquisition twenty times, and he has been my romance option each time. The awkwardness just completes him for me.