Leo Roars

Absolutely! I have always thought this too. It is so “ human” to expect life to be what we are, they thought that nothing could survive at the bottom of the ocean yet it’s full of life, the hot water vents would kill us, yet thriving, there are creatures thriving in tar pits, under that lake in Russian they drilled

You seem to forget (conveniently) that “science fiction” in our past is reality now, I.e. Jules Verne, star trek, also noteworthy a large percentage of “myths & legends” have also been proven true; I.e. giant squid...still alive today, “extinct” dinosaur fish..coelacanths, still alive today, underwater cities, many

“We can’t claim that there is ETI without incontrovertible proof.” Not true, humans do this all the time...religious nuts NEVER require proof, evidence or facts, yet they still insist (each one individually of course) that what they say is fact, what you mean to say is intelligent, reasoning humans demand

Oh, and an advanced species could encode messags on DNA and drop it on any planet...it would work like this, they see a planet that is evolving in such a manner as they deem it possible for sentient life to emerge so they alter DNA of its most advanced lifeform so that once that species, or any on that planet,

#1,7,11,12,14 we are broadcasting radiowaves, we have artificial illumination, we have space craft, we have probes out there almost outside our solar system, we have many robot/instruments on the moon and mars, we have satellite’s around our planet, the moon and mars, and orbiting comets, we sent out an alien contact