
encore, encore, encore!

I, um... I’ll.... I’ll do. I’ll do the, uh, the Sasquatch.

I don’t even want to scroll through the comments to find out what $kay would do to that poor Sasquatch...

Can we talk about people that chew with their mouth open??? And the scary percentage of the public who do this and feel no shame in grazing on a mouthful of food like a cow chewing grass? I can't deal.

I cussed a few times when I first started The Vane, but quickly found out that meteorologists are huge prudes that would make Pat Robertson seem like Bette Midler, and figured it’s not worth the constant battle and private scolding/lecturing.

Oh, to be in a position to watch this play out first hand. Gotta say that the Flanker is one, sexy beast and the Typhoon isn’t too shabby either. India’s military has really grown up in the last 30 years and they seem to have very capable pilots. Great pictures Tyler. Thanks for sharing.

Those Flankers are beautiful killing machines - Typhoon looks so plain next to them

If there is a God :-)

I feel your Sarah Palin pain—she nearly caused my marriage to end. Because I’m too lazy to re-type it, here’s the story I posted on Jez recently:

Trump is a troll but the biggest way to “pwn” him, as the kids say, would be to let him win the nom. Trump doesn’t want to be President. His money making potential would go way down. He’d have to follow all sorts of rules and be beholden to Congress. He’d have to talk to and even have dinners with foreign people. He'd

I hope he wins the GOP nom or runs as an independent. We need to keep the WH democratic. :-)

Right now, Trump’s inexplicable popularity (and the seeming inability of the RNC to do anything about it) is a gift to the Dems no matter who the eventual Republican nominee is. He’s the personification of every excess of their party. Democratic candidates would practically be calling reasonable voters stupidby

Yes...yes...please continue supporting this dipwad so he gets the nomination...

The color is awkward - orange and reds show high levels of rainfall, not a lack of rain or of intense heat, as you might expect. The result is that the current situation in the US is exactly the opposite of what you’d think it is from a quick glance at the animation.

Yes, Sir! We read everything he writes. And we are extremely proud, not only of the writer he has become, but of the man he has become.

Well, God damn, this is a beautiful piece of writing. I hope your parents are able to read this, as this serves as an overwhelming affirmation of their job well done.

In the time of prancing horse I was a toro
Octane in my veins and a name straight out of Zorro
With the plastic louvers, spray paint the Nurburgring
Two black streaks and a dozen little trumpets sing

The baker of my wedding cake did not participate in my wedding. She baked a wedding cake and had it delivered.