

No, that's not a good way of handling it. That just spreads more pus around. And no doubt her inlaws are now concerned about who's joining their family.

If you're a grownup (and if you're getting married, you should be one of these) and you don't want to invite people to your function, don't. That's it. Full stop. If

Being that I was in the hospital just this weekend after eating half a cup of oatmeal...yeah, people can have issues with all sorts of things. I don't say I'm allergic (because, well, I'm not), but anyone who wants to get pissy with me when I doublecheck ingredients is welcome to live with my stomach.

Flatbed? Screw that! Front wheel lift with extra tail dragging sauce, please. Don't forget the "nose protector/splitter cruncher" flaps.

So, let's say something with a bunch of bells, flashing lights. Hell, we'll even throw in a big long pole painted red and white blocking the crossing, just in case.

Love this. +1

Hornblasters.com? Not what I expected.

I have found over the years that there are no nerds in this world more dedicated to their hobby than train nerds.

Come on now. Everyone knows that cut toast releases powerful and potentially deadly gluten fumes.

hypotenuse allergy

In his case, he looks at all the gluten as he's eating it.

"You stupid bitch! It's Pinot Giorgio!"

For years, my brother insisted he was allergic to celery unless it had peanut-butter on it.

Are people unaware that they are allowed to say they don't like whole nuts and that they diminish the severity of actual food allergies with this nonsense?

Their "science" is from WebMD. Also, I'm pretty sure most people who think they are "gluten sensitive" are really just eating shit food that makes them feel like shit. That beer and a grilled cheese followed by some chocolate cake isn't sitting well with you? Definitely gluten sensitive.

"Oh, well that's okay. I'm not allergic if they're ground up."

What the fuck did I just read? Are you doing this shit on purpose now? People are actually paying you for this? Well, those people are stupid.

I am sure that they have a repository of "engaging headlines for the masses" and respective articles software that all they have to do is fill the blanks. In fact, I think all of these people aren't real, it is just software.

The huge area of the LONG BEACH's superstructure made it difficult to keep an even keel in high winds. The ENTERPRISE had a similar "box" on top. The aluminum was corroding badly since sailors used solvents that reacted badly with it.