
If you were cruising in the left lane, you should have used your rearview mirror, and noticed someone wanted to pass you WAY BEFORE they had an opportunity to pass in the right lane. I can tell you're California driver. Amirite?

Adder, you do sound like a left lane violator justifying it.

Just make sure you remember to release the parking brake on the left side of the driver's seat. That design flaw was responsible for most Fiero fires. For those not familiar: you pulled up on the p-brake to engage it, then had to push it back so as to exit the car. Lots of folks forgot it was engaged because it was so

The only reason to have kids is so you can fuck with them like this. One of my friends actually said to me, "You're not really family friendly, are you?" So there's that. I love the kid's accent though. Fucking British; insult you, then ask you to agree with them.

Now playing

Me too. It renewed my interest in getting a HornBlasters Shocker XL because I have a low tolerance for stupid, and I live in SoCal.

No there is not. I come from an entire family of picky eaters, and they are ALL making that shit up because they simply don't like it. My brother-in-law claims he's allergic to steak, but the ONLY meat he will eat is hamburger…he's not allergic to onions either…he will very happily eat things that have onions and

You HAVE to do this to her! Must!

I feel like I'm having a stroke. What do these assembled words mean?

This is what has me considering becoming an expat, but then I remember EVERYTHING in Australia is deadly poisonous/venomous.

The reason for her odd looking superstructure is she initially had the SCANFAR phased-array radar system. This picture was taken after 1982 as it has been removed, and the AN/SPS-48 has been installed.

Oh, Tommy. You know you had to look that up too. We're both better for learning it; don't split hairs.

How is it I've lived this long and never heard that word? It's a third of a goddamned haiku all by itself.

You can also get a mechanical automatic WITH A TOURBILLION that doesn't look like it came from Dollar General here. I make no claims about its reliability. http://www.amazon.com/ESS-Tourbillon…

Either is correct.

The ultra-PC term is cisgendered. Even calling/referring to them as "biological (male/female)" is offensive that .00001% of the population.

The ultra-PC term is cisgendered. Apparently biological (male/female) is offensive to the .0001% of the population, so we must be wary of our tongue. P.s., so is tranny. Even for RuPaul.