
Feels are like feelings, only poorly animated.

Don't blame me, I went to see Guardians yesterday.

One thing I'd note, is that Kamala is not the first Muslim hero that Marvel's had. She's not even the first female teenage Muslim hero that Marvel's had. M, from "Generation X" and "X-Factor" (aka Monet St. Croix of Algeria) and Dust (aka Sooraya Qadir of Afghanistan, created by Grant Morrison for his run on "All-New

I strongly recommend the new "Ms. Marvel" series. Kamala is an enjoyable, and more importantly, believable character, a teenager who is trying navigate the difficult waters of being a teenager, fitting in as a minority, pleasing her slightly traditional parents (and somewhat more radical older brother), and of course

@bourbonrenewal2:disqus Don't underestimate Dr. Ruth! She served as a sniper in the 1948 war! (Also not all Israeli women serve in the IDF, and most positions in the IDF are in non-combat positions. Just because Ms. Gadot served in the IDF, doesn't mean she knows fight choreography or can act.)

A Jewish Wonder Woman? This truly is the miracle of Chanukah! (Suck it Antiochus IV Epimanus!)