TJ Hartman

Well, that isn’t what you’re proposing. This is a 14 year old girl grabbed and harassed for an extended period of time...who hit the guy back once. Yes, in the balls, but once. Once. And she felt badly about it...because she was under the impression that you should never hurt men back.

That’s my guess too, but after the amount of shit I’ve gotten from angry men in these comments I’m not going to say it.

Men who say a ball kick is comparable to the pain of childbirth... I’ve never needed an epidural due to a nut shot or even OTC pain killers. I’d guess women experience more discomfort from menstrual cramps every month.

Oh, we know it’s painful, and we don’t care. We are, in fact, glad that it hurts. Keep your hands to yourself and don’t get yourself into a situation in which someone wants to kick you in the nuts and you won’t have to worry about it. That means, amongst other things, don’t slap women on the ass, ever, unless they

Conversely, you think that sexually assaulting someone is not a serious enough crime that the person assaulted can defend herself? Now THAT is fucked up.

Nah, the pain doesn’t cause sterility. You’d have to do a LOT more than kick someone for that. But even if it does cause sterility, GOOD.

My brother bullied me my whole life. He hit me, threw things at me, grabbed me sexually. My parents never said a word until I kicked him in the nuts; then they lectured ME about how I should NEVER do that to a dude. WTF.

these fuckboys defend the perpetrators because they can more easily see themselves being accused (falsely or otherwise) than see themselves in a woman’s experience.

Again, the fact that you think rape and ballkicking are equally heinous says a terrifying thing about you.

If a woman is being assaulted? Kick in the balls. If a woman has been assaulted and is confronting her attacker, even if her life isn’t in immediate peril? Kick in the balls. If the fucker is a ginormous douchebag, kick in the balls. If he’s a huge bully? Kick in the balls.

And it worked. The guy never grabbed her butt again.

Hey! This was self-defense! Against literal months of torment. You ARE the problem.

I was always told to kick boys in the balls and punch them in the gut by my grandad, my dad and my mum.

Hehe, honestly, I’m not much of a fighting man (for some reason I hardly need it), but when in danger from a Cro-Magnon male or female, I will go for the tender, sensitive spots... Can not really wrap my head around the guys that are apparently kicked in the nuts by a comment. For crying out loud, don’t get in trouble

A man can definitely deserve to be kicked in the balls. For a ton of reasons. No woman deserves to be raped, for any reason. They’re not equivocal.

I’m a man, albeit not a very big or strong one. I would have no qualms about kicking somebody big and dangerous in the balls if he came at me and mine. Years ago, a guy sped down my residential city street full of small children, and when I hollered at him, he turned around and came back to exact revenge. He was

i’ve been kicked in the balls. it hurts. a lot.

My sexuality woke up when he called Molly Ringwald a bitch.

Was I the only one who rooted against Ducky in Pretty in Pink in favor of James Spader?

I hate the term friendzone.

I prefer the much more descriptive Masterbation Alley.