
THANK YOU. I am not religious and I don’t evangelize or proselytize about anything except SAVING MONEY. I am watching my friends who are all “weee we have actual money for the first time!” blow it all on ubers, cocktails, actual non-Ikea furniture, apartments in the trendy part of town, etc. It pains me to watch. If

I... would like to know also. For a friend.

I think you’re confused. I’m 99% sure that he didn’t beat her up because she gave the baby vodka. He beat her up because he’s an abusive drunk that was pissed off because he couldn’t drink his vodka that he had put in a WATER bottle probably so he could drink it at work.

If you are truly 6’2” and 180lbs, you can fucking handle it, bro.

If only! I actually quit very professionally, since there were several awesome people that I hired and trained who still depended on that job for, like, rent and stuff. I wanted to make sure there was no retaliation. Turns out there was no point - they terminated everyone I had hired and denied them unemployment.

I wish that guy had become a permanent character.

Actually that’s my favorite part... Where IS her swimsuit area? Does she get two? Do they both work? Can she both make babies and... foal? When in the relationship does she bring interspecies threesomes into play? Isn’t being double pregnant a kind of terrifying prospect? Do centaur pharmaceutical companies make

Amen to that. My husband and I fell in love with each other without realizing it hanging out as friends eating out and walking around Target. No wine, no fine dining. Just us talking to each other and being there for each other. And then one day we realized, there wasn’t anyone else we wanted to spend time with more

No. Rape won’t “eventually happen” if kids are taught respect and consent and in general how to be a decent human being.

This is not an average sized woman.

After reading the full article, my big takeaway is that these designers are terrible at photoshop.

I disagree. I think this bride _should_ confront her friend about the lack of gift, so that the bridesmaid has the opportunity to shit in a box and mail it to her, but that's just me.

“And, if we could kill the imperial system while we’re at it, that would be great.”

You may be a vegan but your pets are certainly not. You can assuage this ethical dilemma by not getting a carnivorous pet.

So actually, he may have lost 100 lbs without counting calories and with the addition of bulletproof coffee depending on what other dietary changes he made. If all he did was add bulletproof coffee it is almost certainly bullshit, but if he went low carb (or -gag- paleo) and he went into ketosis, it is a believable

Here is the issue I have with this whole thing. Would you force an african american baker to make a lynching cake for a kkk member? How about a jewish baker to make a nazi cake? A pro-choice baker making an aborted fetus cake (10/10 would have a slice) for an anti-choice rally?

If you answer no to either of these, then

He’s backing what he sees as freedom of speech; it’s pretty clear he does not agree with bigotry.

“The first person who ever saw sperm cells collected them from his wife”

The first guy to use the old “But honey! It’s for SCIENCE!” excuse.

An actual conversation I just had with Diane: