Leopard Messiah

Considering the last time a BYU player punched an opponent, Taylor should be happy how high that punch was.

The Owls are not what they seem... They brought coffee!!!

You are very welcome, my good sir.

This probably messed up Goodell’s secret DFS picks.

Atlas truther.

Though to be honest, the Adrienne Barbeubot was Murphy’s brain in a robot body with chainsaws for hands and d-cups full of justice.

It’s an older song. It’s on the soundtrack they put out years back.

And that was the child of Sealab 2021. I still think Captain Murphy is the best character Reed created.

Wasn’t Triana voiced by Doc Hammer’s ex wife? Maybe that's why she hasn't been seen in some time.

You, my good sir, are a god amongst Kinja commenters.

Even as a Cardinals fan in this division battle... I don't even care who wins at this point. I just want Piscotty to be alright.

Am I the only one somewhat concerned when she says she isn't a chemist and isn't exactly sure what the fumes were?

Because Paul wasn't wearing shoes either.

Meh, they're just trying to have their dick and eat it too.

Three questions. Why is Drew Magary at that game? Why is he hanging out with sunglasses dude? And why doesn't he know how buttons work?