Channel of Mojos “LeoOfJDH”

Sony's only likely recourse is even more exclusives and limited time exclusive and similar acquisitions within their budget. 

Whats problematic with a powerful sexually liberated woman using every bit of talent in every way she can to be her most authentic self?

I don't play too many JRPGs so can't speak to the whole genre, but I felt female characters in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 were well fleshed out and plenty outspoken. 

Remember, Kotaku invented non-existant outrage over the Star Wars Outlaw trailer to make a woke article. I’ve lost all respect for them because that seems all they are good at. Shoot, early on Jill is literally speaking for Clive because he can’t. To which he apologizes for because he feels responsible.

Was there an outcry? Or is it just some people expressing that this particular character is not their preference. Because people aren’t allowed to have preferences anymore. Wait... that’s right... SOME people are allowed to have preferences. So long as they are the right ones. Maybe someone in this echo chamber will