just like repubs/45 right now, right? or like Arpaio?
just like repubs/45 right now, right? or like Arpaio?
dude I don’t know if you play any videogames or not but that option does not exist, like ever, in any of the major games at least so...
didn’t that got quarantined then shut down permanently?
fucking numbers flying around everywhere you shoot; no thanks.
We are a bacteria that has choices, but chooses to be a virus.
thanks Jayzee for proving that even ONE BILLION DOLLARS won’t be enough, won’t make you happy, and will make you literally sell your soul.
Matthew 19:24 and all that.
but i thought little trumpy boy fixed everything with that other insane dictator child-king...?
Good point, GWC. And to the 56 absolute fucking morons whose brains have stunted cell division, and therefore may need special help, here goes:
You may think that if you were in the same situation, you’d love it - but let me tell you, until something actually happens to you you have absolutely no…
why is it on sites or in newspapers in countries where they could give less than a fuck or really don’t even play the game
I mean, an infinite amount of monkeys and typewriters given an infinite amount of time can type up the Complete Works of Shakespeare, so...yeah, sure, it’s possible it all just made sense; by accident.
It amazes me that people like you can actually type.
that’s awesome
I have an idea. Kinda like the Challenge Rule in the NFL. Everyone has 2 “Report Flags”, so if there is an obvious haxor people can use their flags to report them. Shortly after being reviewed, and evidence of cheating having been found, your Report Flag is reinstated and you go back to having 2 flags. If your report…
are we a dying breed? (Ralph voice)
Bravo! Refreshing to come across real humor. Excellent.
funny how 50ShadesOfJimGray did not mention race; you did.
hey Ashley, mint chocholate IS terrible.
don’t think of it like that. think of it like you get to see one of Michelangelo’s long lost sketchbooks. Yeah he never made the things in it, but it’s still AMAZING and museum-worthy.
So she’s just Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V-ing herself?
Is the DNA exact match?