
First, how could you posibly know whether there are grounds to appeal the verdict unless you were in the court room every second of the trial, analyzing every issue and objection as they arose. There are always grounds for an appeal with millions on the line. The defendant isn’t just walking out the door and writing a

Being awarded millions by a jury and actually having millions make it to your bank account are two different things. There is a lot of lawyering to go in this thing.

Fair enough. I’m not that far away, in Utah, and I could make a tube of lip balm last for, say, two years or so.

Fair enough. I’m not that far away, in Utah, and I could make a tube of lip balm last for, say, two years or so.

What kind of lunatic buys lip balm 12 at a time. That’s three lifetimes worth of lip balm.

What kind of lunatic buys lip balm 12 at a time. That’s three lifetimes worth of lip balm.

That is just fucking delightful, and I mean that in all sincerity.

How about giving the footage to the fucking police? That’s just good old battery there.

And we’re going to have a whole season of “farewells” and hokey gifts from every team in the league. It’s so incredibly stupid. Ted Williams didn’t even tip his cap to the home crowd, and he hit a dinger in his last career at bat. That’s how you fucking do it.

I can’t imagine how these guys end up broke five years after their career ends.

The whole no soap on cast iron thing has been debunked. If the chemical, molecular change to season the metal has occurred and the oil has become part of the metal, soap won’t make it come off. We use nothing but cast iron and I wash them with a little soap after each use, and give them a touch-up re-season every

The whole no soap on cast iron thing has been debunked. If the chemical, molecular change to season the metal has

I have the cheap Nespresso machine and the coffee is way way way better than a keurig (which we have in the office). It’s not even close in quality. I pay about $.70 per pod and drink 2-3/ day. A couple bucks a day ain’t so bad for the quality and convenience.

His name is seriously Tokyo Sexwale? Or is this a joke that you have to know about soccer to understand?

Any further proof needed that 50 Cent is mildly retarded? How fucking stupid can you be?

Is it possible for even the most minor thing to happen to a soccer player without the player acting like the biggest fucking crybaby in the world? They’re either diving like a four year or they’re whining about not getting a call because someone touched them. It’s fucking excruciating to watch more than two minutes of

Anything negative that happens to the Yankees is just so so delicious.

This is a pretty good illustration of that old saying “holding a grudge is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die”. This hate-filled little man has decided to waste his short time on earth punishing another human for wronging him. How does a life get any more empty or meaningless than that.

The problem here -OBVIOUSLY-is that not enough players and people in the Habs organization speak French. Purge them all! Letting a non-francophone play for the team was a huge mistake. How is Subban supposed to carry on the vaunted Montreal culture of winning when he is a lowly English speaker?

He is, at times, a talented musician and makes a positive contribution to the culture in that way, however small. I don’t like everything he puts out but it’s something. He’s also an idiot most of the time, no doubt about that. My point was only that his wife makes no positive contribution to society or the culture,

But the justification of the law is that girls at that age don’t have the capacity to make what could be a mementous, life-altering decision. She is a specific example of someone who was apparently worldly and mature enough to handle it. But what about the girl who is the exact same age and can’t, and ends up in a

How about “Princess Snuggle-Pants”? I think it has a quiet dignity that you just can’t get from a booze-based name.

Probably true, but at least Kanye makes a contribution to society in some small way, and I hate you for making me defend Kanye West . . .