
I actually tried to figure that out and from what I read, you get it from someone who works for the site. They give it to those that they feel contribute to discussion constructively or make meaningful comments. So that means you can't troll if you actually want your comments to be seen.

Sorry, but just because you use tech to cover a story doesn't make it a tech story. You could then say that Gizmodo should just be the main site for Gawker, Jalopnik, etc stories.

There really needs to be mobile commenting. Sometimes I'm bored and I go on this site and read something funny or insightful and I want to comment, but I don't have my laptop to comment.

More importantly though, can this protect someone from AIDs since that is a virus too or just the flu?

Just wondering, but how is this tech related? I can understand reading about this on Gawker or another news outlet, but Gizmodo? Just sayin'...

Just like we overlook other people's faults, we are all human after all. I don't disagree with you, but as an artist he has a lot of talent.

I didn't think about that, but now that you pointed it out, it has to be more than coincidence.

I'm still running on 4.3.2 with a jailbreak and I've been itching to get iOS 5. Please bring out the new version with jailbreak, I love my hotspot capability that's free.

You clearly don't have any idea what they are capable of. In California, the cartels have robbed numerous Marijuana dispensaries because they see it as competition and will use violence to keep that control. The fact of the matter is that a joint U.S./Mexico effort is important to go after these guys. Even if it

Yeah...definitely not worth 2k to buy a phone made by Porsche. If it was $100 bucks after mail-in rebate I can see this selling. Anyone want to buy a Louis Vuitton Galaxy Nexus?

Perfect to tailgate those games and enjoy the game. But $720, a little steep...

"The only reason Android exists is because Google didn't want to get shut out of the mobile space for advertising. Even right now, iOS users make up for 2/3 of mobile internet traffic. Android is like a car company that sells cheap cars because they make money off people driving on the roads. They could care less

Parachutes was by far their best record. It seems that after X&Y the music got worse and I still wasn't all that crazy with the tracks on X&Y. So yeah, this song sounds very "Meh."


So basically you have to be on the page you want to comment on before you change the URL?

Sadly, that's all too true.

Just so you know, cops are cops and are human just like anyone else. They're not perfect, they merely enforce the law. From what I've been told by my cousin who is a cop and works in a dangerous area is that people always speak ill of the police because they're racist and don't care about the people. But when

I know this is off topic, but is there anyway to post comments through a mobile device?

These hippies need to go. They're useless and all they do is smoke weed and drink. I understand their unhappiness, however, they need realize that if continue to vote for people that are going to be in the lobbyists pockets, then nothing will change.

I highly doubt a G1 would work with this update. The hardware just won't support it. The fact that the 3rd gen iPhone still works on iOS 5 shows the longevity these phones have.