
+1 for you, Sir!

What would be awesome is if they brought back the N-Gage. I was one of 100 people to own one haha. Perhaps windows on it would actually make it a cool phone.

Just to just let you all know, I'm not trollin'. I'm only looking at the numbers that Wall Street puts out for this company and how well the product is made. Honestly I can say that I've messed with an Android device and I don't like it. The matter fact is this: Google purchased Motorola. A few months after

You're right, ICS uses your face to unlock the phone and doesn't work...

What you think is that Apple will fail in a few years because Jobs is no longer around and that's where you're dead wrong. Looking at this company, they have barely scratched the surface as far as profitability goes. You're overlooking new markets that have yet to be tapped into. If Apple strikes a deal with a

Wait, so they own Samsung? I'm talking about the future where little by little they will start clamping down. And you're right, why would they outsource they're iOS so some LG POS can run apps with bugs, that's why they aren't doing it.

This is like natures version of biological warfare. It is definitely amazing that some bug can do all this.

Better delete that /b/ folder.

The simple matter of fact is this: Apple comes out with stuff that actually works. The only thing that "Droid Does" is beta. Until they can make their software work flawlessly with numerous devices, then all you'll get is a watered down OS that has to sacrifice certain parts of the OS to keep the manufactures

Because it has far less software/hardware compatibility issues than a fragmented android os has.

Not eligible for upgrade nor do I need it. I'm enjoying my jailbroken iPhone with free native tethering.

I love the fact that driodfans keep asking these kinda questions like "will it still work on my device?" Makes me happy knowing I never have that problem with my iPhone 4.

3.0 megapixel? We're not in '06 anymore.

Great for those old folks who have shaky hands and can't operate a smartphone.

Great for those times when you just wanna sit on the crapper and game hard and not risk lagging.

They don't make that much money on Android though. It's their advertising that makes them about 90% of their profits.

Yeah, but that was already in production and ready for release. Don't be surprised if they start clamping down on who can use the software.

You could just stream radio stations, unless you don't have an unlimited data plan.

Apple makes a practical phone that for a smartphone can withstand regular use. Not to mention the software is tailored to work seamlessly with the hardware, why do you think Google bought Motorola. They'll probably do the same.

Ok, so all that was pretty extreme minus the cutting the switch part. Being raised in a Mexican family, if you misbehaved, which was pretty often when I was a kid, you got your ass beat. I still remember that tree next to my old house...those switches hurt like a mo-fo, but they made me who I am today, a functioning