
The best since Christopher Reeve in my book.


Affleck needs to do this movie.

Sadly Henry Cavil was a pretty good Superman, he just had the bad luck of having weak stories. There are only 75+ years of Superman and Batman stories, obviously it’s difficult to pick thru them and find the really good stories and have a competent writer adapt them to a filmable script.

If Affleck leaves, then I’d respect his leaving this hot mess of a franchise. Batman v. Superman was one of the worst movies I’ve seen in my nearly half century on planet earth...as both a lifelong Batman and Superman fan no less. And I honestly felt that Affleck’s turn as Bruce Wayne was one of that film’s few

Or, he could keep playing Batman for several more years, and then they could do Batman & The Joker: Grumpy Old Men.

It’s the only way to be sure.

I say they pull out and reboot the franchise from orbit.

I’m taking this as a Daniel Craig as The Batman non-denial confirmation.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Affleck does get recast at some point in the next three or four years, because until Wonder Woman, Batman was the only WB superhero property that could relied upon to earn tons of money. They’re likely afraid of a franchise-killing flameout on the order of Batman & Robin, except instead of

Simple. Because announcing it now could impact ticket sales. They don’t want audiences to write off Batman before Justice League.

Jesus Christ, either pull the bandaid off one way or another or every just shut the hell up already.

I give him no grief for this considering how many bad choices WB has made with their murderverse.Sometimes you go into things and think you can make a difference only to realize as time goes by and the deeper you go that the rot has grown too large and you’re just going to make yourself miserable trying to deal with

This is rapidly becoming Daniel Craig, part deux.

So how are you quantifying mediocrity. Keep in mind that this was relatively small budget with child actors. The show is fan service and I think many of us who were around 9ish years old during that era that it sends up were able to easily slip back into that frame of mind and NOT be overly critical. They very

There’s a thing where people go “ooh, that’s okay,” even though you don’t, and then shoulders are shrugged and people move on with their lifes. But sometimes things are so blown out of proportion and everybody keeps on waving the awesome flag that it’s my duty to say: no, this is the limit, we have to stop celebrating

It’s nostalgic fan service to an era that was very fantastical. Verisimilitude wasn’t really what they were going for.

How about a complete lack of any sense of verisimilitude plus massive gaps in logic?

How about: bad writing? Flat characters?