
Amen, in every single case like this the media looks for the most famous guy to put in the headlines and they end up getting fired. Joe is old and has a football program to run. Someone gave him a tip that they might have seen someone doing gross things to little boys. He notified the supervisor to have it dealt

Ask for the exit row. I'm 6'4" and always have the same problem with leg room. The exit row is actually comfortable. Seats could be a little wider, but I could also stand to lose a little weight. The worst part of the exit row is the flight attendant gives you a little spiel about lifting 45 lbs and ripping the

I pull out my laptop. If they want money for the wifi, I turn on my phone tethering. 3G comes in well in most airports and there's no need to use their wifi. So as an Android user, I don't need to pay for WiFi, it's a waste of money.

They'll probably increase it to $149.99/month after a 12 month promotional period. Unless of course, you call and threaten to go to AT&T, then they'll lower the price.

I had a friend that drank a bit too much and was pulled over and given a DUI. She lost her license and when she got it back, had to take urine tests at "random." She does not do any drugs and after the DUI, even stopped drinking.

So we're supposed to believe after the first couple times of not actually getting any search results, he still thinks he's googling? Come on, I hope no one is that stupid. This is fake.

It's an estimate that comes out of every paycheck. When you start working at a place, you fill out a tax form that tells them essentially what to take out. Everyone always makes them take out more than they should. That way when tax time rolls around and you figure out what you actually owe, you get a sweet refund.

The dishwasher has a feature that will chill your glasses after it washes them. This feature is currently only sold to Euro customers.

Getting it working on our Acer with a 486 processor at 33 MHz running windows 3.1. The pages would load really slowly so it really wasn't very usable. I didn't start really using the internet until we got our next computer that was on windows 98 with a 400 MHz processor. It seemed blazing fast at the time.

How about the shipping companies start putting these at their facilities and making it so you can schedule a drop box pickup?

Seems a little dumb to me. It would be better if the power outlets were on the side of it and you didn't have to actually remove and move the pencil holder to use the outlets. If someone actually had one of these, I feel like they'd just keep the pieces separated all the time.

My best recipe for ramen:

Why is the XXL version be white? Hmmmmmm

It's a push to try and get us to look at more ads.

It almost looks like the camera man said "Hey turn around and make it look like you're working." So he sticks two fingers out and moves them back and fourth while he stares at a login screen.

Benefits I see:

Seriously? They're just now catching on to this? I could name 5 other sites off the top of my head that do this exact same thing. This is going to be another one of those Napster type of battles where if you take down one, there's always going to be another in its place. They have disclaimers that you agree to,

Ok the first article about body hacking, that was fine. The second article about low carb diets and not working out...that didn't really belong here. NOW ANOTHER FREAKIN ARTICLE ABOUT THIS BOOK?! Just so this guy can talk to giz people on the site? What giz employee is he banging so this can get on the site? This

It always cracks me up when prisoners want to bitch about poor living conditions.

@grkpektis: And how is it Obama's fault?