Worse than being unfunny, IT WASN’T EVEN IN ENGLISH. Sad.
Is this news? I thought that was the guiding principle behind turbos anyway - better MPGs because it relies on you cruising at low RPMs. My old Audi A4 was fine at 2500 RPM but I knew that stepping on it was going to drive the MPG down quickly. Did people really think there was something for nothing here?
How is it cheating when it’s not against the rules?
No because fuckers just like you crucify them for it. Just like you just did right there. They’re not being fake, they’re trying to get hired for a fucking job and their actions in those cases are the equivalent of hiding the beer bong pic on facebook in case that employer you’re interviewing with goes looking. But…
Pretty sure Trump is just being who he is. Really makes you see the upside of phonies doesn’t it?
And here, friends, we see the attitude that brings us candidates like Trump.
1) There is no requirement to have a hybrid system in LMP1, you just aren’t going to be competitive without one. No manufacturer is interested in racing without having the opportunity to win.
Makes sense to me. Use the small sattelite rounadbouts to get to the center roundabout and again to leave it.
Rally cars are street legal by the nature of the rules of their competition. The cars are “legal” and must transit from stage to stage under their own power.
True, but to think the modern cars are as fast or faster with about half the horsepower.
Zac Jones deserves the delicious cookie of his choosing. Holy crap, that is hilarious.
Or, do what I do and stay clear of the internet until I’ve seen it
He’ll be sleeping with the Fishbeds tonight.
Early nineties Mercedes. Therefore, none.
And the problem with America is that there are people like you in it, who frankly straight-up do not understand how the world works and never will.
Exactly. I mean, fuck those people who know what they're talkin about, amirite!