so why isn’t everyone doing that? why are Asians the only people doing the cool katana thing?
so why isn’t everyone doing that? why are Asians the only people doing the cool katana thing?
Also all this shit with how the game “isn’t political” despite the fact that the subgenre of cyberpunk is explicitly about end result of late stage capitalism
When CDPR has shown off Cyberpunk 2077, that’s been a big theme that they’ve talked up and betrays an extremely facile understanding of transhumanism and cyberpunk as a genre. In the E3 demo, they talked up to press about how ending it with a woman in a bathtub, you’re given a choice to save or kill her. This is…
Yeah, never think about anything. Just buy or don’t buy. Criticism, critique, even stopping for one moment to say “Does this make sense?”: not even once!
It doesn’t matter whether they’re Chinese or Japanese or Korean. We all look alike, but we don’t look like the majority (Caucasian), therefore we are just “Asian”. So as “outsiders”, it’s always easier to condense the foreign and exotic into visually recognizable generalizations. At least that’s how I’ve always…
Yeah, he’s definitely in a bunch of high-risk groups: old, obese, low-income.
You don’t really believe it’ll happen. Despite the high likelihood, the sheer brazenness of the man and his ilk, you still think he’ll manage to evade this. And then it happens, and you don’t know what to think so you head on to the A.V. Club instead of sleeping like a responsible person.
This is the cringeiest comment elevated from the grays aforetimes, and we are the worse off for having read it.
Ah, see, this is why I just can’t bother with polyamory. Who has this kind of time and emotional labor to commit with more than one person? I can barely manage to scrape together enough patience and emotional fortitude to deal with my one spouse, much less any other partners.
You need someone who can mediate between your heart and brain. I recommend your wiener.
I’ve been getting hot and heavy with myself for many years now. Lately I’m worrying that it’s turned into a strictly physical thing, that my heart’s not really in it. I should probably have a conversation about it, but I’m afraid to bring it up with me. I don’t want me to leave me. Any advice?
Your damned write.
Did you really just list the Fludd-less levels as a point against Sunshine? Those are probably the best parts of the game!
You’d think she doesn’t understand how the plural works, but then she manages to get “backs” right.
“Hold my vodka” - 10 year old Russian hacker
Not movies, “movie’s.” This makes me so angry.
It’s easy enough to understand when you remember that they’re frightened, stupid, spoiled babies.
Sufjan’s good and all, but describing a benchmark for the kind of professional success 99.999999% of working musicians only dream of as the most traumatizing experience of his life does not beef up his personal likeability profile.
Ordinarily I’d be all about someone calling out the Oscars’ bullshit, but this just reeks of an edgelord emo teen screaming in your face “Look how much I keep it real with how dark and edgy I am! LOVE ME!”