
Last bit’s been done!

The Help is just as stupid as Forrest Gump on race relations.

First off, the concept of the ‘Enlightenment’ is an incredibly Eurocentric concept that has no bearing on Japanese lifestyles. Also, the ‘Enlightenment’ is more or less a historical myth used to propagate European superiority cultivated in the late 1800's and early 1900's as a justification for Imperialism.

At this rate we’re definitely getting a real assassin’s creed japan from ubisoft... and some time in the far future when 2020 is old history, an assassin’s creed Florida with a karen DLC.

This fucking sucks. I went to high school with Grant, and he was one of those people who literally never said or did a single thing that wasn’t kind or thoughtful. When he made it big, doing the weirdly brilliant stuff he loved, I was happy, because it meant the world was working the way it was supposed to: greatly

I just played it for the first time last weekend.  Mechanics were incredible.  Some of the most creative and fun gameplay I’ve seen in a long time.

Even if you aren’t much of a shooter player anymore, you should pick it up for the campaign alone. TF1 may have lacked a real campaign but TF2's is a genre standout.

SP is worth it. It’s pitch-perfect length, and the story isn’t heavy handed. The real star is the gameplay mechanics. Time-travel level is just as fun as you’ve heard. I know I was a skeptic. Haven’t really messed with MP since it’s not my cuppa.

I agree with all of these. Titanfall 2 is a gem of a game. It’s one of the few games where you will enjoy playing multiplayer even if you are horribly losing!!

As a card-carrying member of Dudes Who Got Picked Last in Gym, Kept Their Shirts On in the Locker Room and Changed in the Bathroom Stall, I can speak for the rest of us when I say: most of us get over it after high school.

“ethnic intimidation” = “being non-white around someone who is terrified of everyone who is not white”. It’s like an agoraphobe trying to sue the outdoors for being there.

Okay, so you agree, they have criminalized and cracked down on whistleblowing to cover their ass because of the massive quantity of war crimes they commit. All the more reason to undermine U.S. Army recruitment, don’t you think?

And in reality, if you don’t do what you’re told, you will be shit upon from great height. Look what they did to Chelsea Manning for exposing U.S. war crimes.

War crimes are war crimes. Commited by an extremely large, powerful, nearly unaccountable entity that can lay waste to entire countries if it’s told to. It does not wash away your own responsability because you are rank and file and not an officer.

is it appropriate to antagonize people that served our country?

Don’t do the war crime if you can’t handle the clown time.

the argument isn’t that individual soldiers are committing war crimes, it’s that the US military apparatus regularly commits war crimes as SOP.

No joke, I wonder if this is a 1st Amendment issue. It seems similar to Trump blocking people on Twitter, which has been ruled unconstitutional.

Censorship on government critique? Sure sounds like something China would do... Though it’s no surprise coming from the US, the land of the NSA, CIA, Covert Ops, foreign coups etc.