
We should be blaming the Founding Fathers for how broken the Electoral College is. If anything it’d be fairer to divide Electoral Votes for each sate proportionately among the candidates rather then the one with the most popular votes gets all of the electoral votes of a state. Like how Maine and Nebraska do it. It

No. This is BS. I thought Trump was all about not being PC? I’m not sugarcoating shit when people are scumbags; I’m going to call it as it as, as we should. Being nice when it’s unwarranted is a big reason why we’re in this spot to begin with.

Said this elsewhere, but it bears repeating... Clinton, Obama, et al were right about one thing: this election was about what kind of country we are. And the electorate has decided: we are an asshole. Of the assholes, by the assholes, for the assholes. And now we have an Asshole-in-Chief. Van Jones is right, we are a

I’ll rip out your eyes and piss on your brain.

The only proper answer to the question, “Do you mind if I call your daughter a piece of ass?” is “You’re going to be having a hard time calling anyone anything without any fucking teeth.”

Hillary Trolls?

Get the fuck out of here. You’re fired.


Uh huh. Sure. I totally believe him.

Or how Fox News love to talk about how black men/kids killed by the police “had a gun!” in open carry states.

The irony, of course, is that if Trump or any of his like-minded followers were also randomly stopped and frisked, they’d lose their goddamned minds. They’d be screaming about the Founding Fathers and the “police state” in no time.

Yep it’s pretty depressing.

People with bad intentions will do whatever they think they need to in order to do what they want. Just because such a thing hasn’t been a national frontpage headline, doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened, or that it won’t happen. In fact, such complacency ensures that it will happen.

Lol, took me like 3 seconds of Googling.

I thought it was a great game..frustrating at times, but all good games are. It gives you a sense of accomplishment. It wasn’t scary at all, but I enjoyed the setting. I don’t know if I’m too old to get scared, or they don’t make scary stuff anymore. I did feel a sense of stress almost the whole game because I was

The Evil Within’s combat can be such a blast. I remember the crossbow was especially awesome.

It was a good game with a lot of great ideas, the presentation was amazing, from the way you can travel through cracked mirrors, to the atmosphere, the psychological aspect of what’s going on with the environment, such as set pieces where the world could change around you...

I’m also disappointed by GD, and I can’t understand why it gets so much praise. It’s basically Titan Quest with all the charm extracted and a new UI that doesn’t look huge. It’s a decade-old game, because almost nothing was updated re: mechanics and the gameplay is the same.

I like the rest of the items on this list,

Can we talk about anime without ever mentioning race? Seriously, it’s getting old. It always leads to an affirmation of the “ha ha Asians want to be white” mentality that is frankly super racist. I’m not saying that Eurocentric standards of beauty don’t have any influence in Japan, but if you ask Japanese people,

With all due respect to the folks on here who think it's to "look white," I think it's a typical form of Western chauvinism to believe that all people want to look Caucasian at all times.