
Did you actually read what he wrote or did you skip ahead to the comment section to complain about him not liking the first game? Because the negative things he touched on his review would be seen as negatives by almost all other players/reviewers unless they’re already fanboy to the series.

I played the Souls games offline, except Bloodborne which I haven’t played, like perhaps 80% of the time and I still enjoyed my time immensely. I can only hope that people in the future will not write off these games just because they’re lacking their online portion, as it is a great disservice to the great world

I can’t tell whether he’s seriously upset or just playing it up. If he’s being serious then it’s pretty sad. Sad because how can someone put so much self-worth into their twitter account.

I can’t tell whether he’s seriously upset or just playing it up. If he’s being serious then it’s pretty sad. Sad because how can someone put so much self-worth into their twitter account.

Really? I felt like I was watching a breaking bad or better call saul episode, which is a good thing because those shows tend to shoot scenes in a way that most people find to be slow, but is actually engrossing. Also, the episode was supposed to show everything happening in real time so it wouldn’t have made sense to

Fake tweet? lol. You underestimated the level of dumb some people possess in this country.

Fake tweet? lol. You underestimated the level of dumb some people possess in this country.

lmao, this is a stroke of comedy genius out of Kimmel and his team.

If you’ve told me she’s Charlize Theron’s daughter I would’ve believed you.

The way he types is so odd. Really over-dramatic.

Great episode. I think my favorite so far this season. I love Boz but he’s really taking his pride a little bit too far. Asking Cam for help like that even though he knows the shitstorm it would cause if Joe found out is just downright slimy to me. Telling your wife that you’re broke is not a dead or alive situation

Plus she said it herself that she doesn’t want some random unknown people looking into their code.

This dude looks like he’s 20 something, it’s not like his parents are fully responsible to shape and mold how he grow up anymore. You’ll be surprised by how fast a gullible person can be radicalized.

Eh, and you calling it “removal” make it sound like they’re destroying the statue even though they’re merely moving it to where historical pieces like this one belong, the museum. What’s the argument for displaying statue of a traitor like this on public display? There’s a difference between remembering and glorifying

Different strokes, but personally I find doing grocery together with the loved one to be a fun thing. I dunno why, I just enjoy it.

Because of that cheap-ass sell out Dave Rubin, I can’t take anyone who calls themselves a “Classical Liberal” seriously anymore.

Respectfully disagree, I didn’t have a single point invested in the Typhon mods and I didn’t have any difficulty with the bots. I didn’t even waste any shotgun shell or handgun ammo on them, just used wrench and sneak attack on them and they’re usually out in 3 hits max. If you hack them or beat them until they’re

Oh nooo my white warrior has been taken out from a game, I will not play it noww waaaahhh.

Right off The_Donald and stormfront’s idea of debating. Project your inner self at others. “No you’re the racist!”