
Is Mobile gaming dead? No updates in 2018, and we are aprendeu two months INTO 2019

It seems like Rocket League and Nier: Automata should be on this list. They made it into the PS4 list where there are 3 exclusives more. And both games play better on Xbox One X.

Why aren´t Rocket League and Nier on this list? it´s not like the Xbox One have great exclusives to justify those omissions, since they are on the PS4´s list, where there are a bunch of big exclusives fighting for spots.

Couldn´t disagree more, that botton screen with 16bit style graphics is so awesome. This game is one the strongest use cases for the whole dual screen idea.

I had the SNES, rented the game, but it was NOT the same game as my cousins played on Mega Drive... I was so jealous Sega’s Aladdin was soooo much better

A new console is out November 10. By the end of 2017 it would be nice t have this article updated, to see how PS4 pro, switch and Scorpio compare to old consoles, pricewise.