
First time ever i say: Well, that apple is quite reasonable, nice idea, usefull and might be fun. I would have lots of fun with Win7 or even ubuntu on it if it runs...

@GuardDuck: like he said, he has a F* plane on his hands. He is hired and trusted with thousands of lifes, in a very dangerous situation. He's been doing that for years, and i think he does deserve a little respect.

@learniiburn: Probably GSMArena will have a good/bad review about them.

@liftedngifted1: Really, we get Nokias in Brazil, and they are much more common than in US (once upon a time, they ruled here) But nobody else here sees Nokias as top notch phones anymore. Wonder if anybody does that in EU

@boca_stig: maybe it is an infinnite parking zone, with neither a begining nor end.

@therealmusashi: she really was other person. she must have been abducted in the meantime.

@BullittFan_Fords4Life: not fair, i was distracted...

@BullittFan_Fords4Life: hey!!! damn i should've called shotgun...

@$kaycog: we all know she will never find the rest of her jeans. lucky for us (sad for the COTD guy, who won't be getting his car, or its delivery girl)

@harold_b: that's the only real use for them, that's why you don't seem them on the streets.

i would easily go with Droid 2. I like the android OS pretty much, specially when someone root it and open many possibilities, i have an old Samsung Galaxy and it runs great because of GAOSP...

@ixiragnarokixi: so, WOW was not grinding enough? oh lord, thanks god i gave up on MMORPGS...

@BLS: i think they are prettier than the new Montana. (although the old Montana was kinda cool)

@Mack41: i've watched it since ep1. Though i don't think s03 was going to be any good in spite of what happened on the last ep on s02... but oh boy, it's getting fun...

@Mack41: i've watched it since ep1. Though i don't think s03 was going to be any good in spite of what happened on the last ep on s02... but oh boy, it's getting fun...

@Bumblebee: should watch more CSI and Bones

@Matt White: coz i'm already on fire, don't need my car to be.